The new national minimum wage for South Africa is R21.69 per hour


The new national minimum wage for South Africa is R21.69 per hour

The National Minimum Wage (NMW) will increase from R20.76 to R21.69. This is an increase of 4.5% and it takes effect on 01 March 2021. 

The NMW, which was published on Monday 8 February 2021, also provides increases for other workers as follows:


Farmworkers are entitled to a minimum wage of R21.69 per hour. Farmworkers wages equal the national minimum wage, with a 16% increase from R18.68 to R21.69.

Domestic workers

The minimum wage for domestic workers is still below the national wage. Domestic workers will get R19.09 per hour from R15.57 per hour, a 23% increase.

Public works programme

Workers employed on an expanded public works programme are entitled to a minimum wage of R11.93 per hour.

Other increases

Learnership allowances, contract cleaning and the wholesale and retail sectoral determinations also increased.

The earnings threshold

The earnings/remuneration threshold will increase from R205,433.30 to R211,596.30. This is a 3% increase and will affect various working time arrangements in the Basic Conditions and Employment Act such as overtime, and some provisions of the Labour Relations Act.

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